Bridging the Gap From Textbook to Treatment Room

A 12-week immersion for ambitious Kins ready to learn the mindset,
skillsets, and habits they need to confidently succeed in clinical practice

Counts towards a full years’ worth of CEC Credits
TEK 2.0 Starts LIVE on September 23, 2024

12-Week Program

The Employed Kinesiologist 2.0 isn’t just another course. It’s an interactive program designed to help you develop personally and professionally into an impactful practitioner.

From clinically relevant applied biomechanics to practical communication skills, we’ll guide you step-by-step toward clinical confidence.

LIVE 2-Day Immersive in Vancouver

Join us in person for an immersive 2-day event (Dec 6th & 7th, 2024) for hands-on practical skills, assessment refinement, and technique application.

Event recordings and resources will be provided for those who cannot attend the live event

Coaching & Community

24/7 access to our community forum for ongoing coaching and feedback from instructors, a network of peer practitioners, and weekly live calls to help you hone and refine your skills.

Kinesiology can be an isolated profession. Join us to connect with and learn alongside Kinesiologists across Canada

The reality for both experienced kins and new grads…

You worked hard for your kinesiology degree… but are now strikingly aware of how little practical clinical skills were taught during your education.

Like many new grads just entering the workforce (and many kins who have been in practice for years), you’re feeling shaky and unprepared for the realities of 1:1 patient care, feeling less than confident needing to confront real people’s real problems that YOU are now expected to help solve.

Many Kin graduates end up working multiple low-paying jobs, drifting between unpaid internships, and feeling unsatisfied with their employment prospects because they weren’t taught the practical, applied skills to succeed in a clinical setting.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. After working with hundreds of practitioners, we’ve figured out a thing or two about what makes a clinician really successful.

😫 Bad News: It’s not your anatomy flashcards.

🥳 Good News: We’ve made (and rigorously tested) a step-by-step system that gets rid of the guesswork, gets patient results, and gets (and keeps) you employed as a Kin.

I get it - your heart's in the right place, but you don't actually feel confident in helping your clients get better. 

You don't feel fully prepared to work in a clinical setting (or are struggling to hit your stride in your current role). You're a little unsure about your assessment process. You struggle to position yourself as an expert. Your clients don't always come back. Maybe you have multiple jobs because you can't pay the bills doing what you love and went to school for.

Sadly, it's the most common story in the industry.
This is where we come in.

The Employed Kinesiologist 2.0 is here to turn you into a rockstar Kin with a waitlist of clients because you're so damn good at helping people understand their bodies, live pain-free, and move in ways that build resilience and durability. 

Your degree didn't prepare you for the realities of clinical work (I know! I've been there!) I felt lost for years, so I dedicated myself to learning what it actually takes to succeed as a Kin. I built a thriving Kin practice, then I built this program so you can hit the ground running.

Since then, practitioners across Canada have gone through T.E.K. and come out with confidence built on a bedrock of practical skills, powerful communication, with all the systems and strategies they need for longevity in their careers as a Kin.

What the textbooks left out…

Notes From Our Students:

  • "I can't imagine starting to work in a clinic if I hadn't done this first. I feel so much more confident now! Zoe made me feel super involved and respected even though I’m so new to the field and was nervous coming in!"

    Manpreet G., Kelowna, BC

  • I honestly wish this was a course offered at my university. It covers all the most relevant and important parts of becoming a successful and impactful clinician. It also touches on so many things I learned outside of school in the workforce but that I lacked a coherent and comprehensive framework for. I feel much more prepared and knowledgeable for my next role because of your course.

    — Daniel T., Victoria, BC

  • I learned so much! I feel like I finally know what my job is supposed to look like. The small class size was great, too, it felt like we could ask all our questions and still have time to cover all the material. The biggest thing I took away from this was learning to see the patient as a whole and feeling confident explaining things to clients.

    — Sarah O., Toronto, ON

  • “I think I have to reassess all my patients on Monday!! This changes everything. I finally feel like I know what I'm looking for and how to talk to my clients about their symptoms.”

    — Susan B., Vancouver, BC

  • “I really enjoyed this course and getting to learn with other Kinesiologists. Before this, I struggled to find Kin-specific information. Zoe’s energy is infectious and I already feel so much more confident at work”

    — Luke K., Vancouver, BC

  • “Zoe is a great instructor. This course helped me put together everything I learned in my degree into something actually practically useful. I liked the focus on how to explain things to patients.”

    — Sophie S., Vancouver, BC


- Jesse R. Vancouver, BC

Stop memorizing muscles,
start understanding movement
& human behaviour.

The Employed Kinesiologist 2.0 is for YOU if…

  • You struggle to feel confident, energetic, or relaxed at work (hello, imposter syndrome 🙃)

  • You want to learn how to effectively build buy-in so your clients come back, take the advice you give them, and get better results

  • You’re frustrated with your client’s inaction and lack of progress

  • Bonding and building rapport with clients doesn’t come naturally or easily to you

  • You’re new to the industry, feel totally unprepared, and want to hit the ground running with skills and systems in place

  • You want to know how to take the knowledge you learned in your degree and practically apply it to produce client results

  • You’re interested in advancing your career and making more money without having to grind harder and longer

  • You’re unclear on what to look for or “what it means” when assessing movement

  • You want to improve your clients’ compliance with homecare and encourage them towards autonomy and self-reliance

  • You want to feel more confident in conversations with clients (e.g. discussing pain science, behavior change, accountability, reasoning for interventions, etc.)

  • You’re unable to provide a clear rationale (to yourself or clients) for why you do what you do at work

  • You’re lacking a comprehensive system to follow or fall back on

  • You feel like you need more experience before you can apply for a better job, ask for a raise, or start working 1:1 with clients


🤩 Confidence

Your energy plays a big role in your clients’ ability to trust you and follow you. We’ll help you build confidence based on evidence. You’ll learn the mindset, skillsets, and habits you need to consistently feel capable, prepared, and well-resourced at work.

🗣️ Communication

The world gauges our confidence and competence through our communication, making it your most powerful tool to create change in your client’s lives.

Learning to effectively communicate your knowledge is a non-negotiable skill for Kins.

⚙️ Systems

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel! Effective systems and structure create ease for you and trust for your clients.

You’ll learn systems and frameworks to make your time at work less stressful and more meaningful.

💪🏼 Resilience

Develop and hone your own hardiness - mentally, emotionally, and physically. This is the key to longevity as a practitioner.

We’ve all felt the drain of this work when we’re not properly resourced and regulated. We’ll help you build yourself up for the long haul.

🫀 Connection

Build deep connections with your clients from day one. Skyrocket your compliance and adherence rates, and improve patient retention.

The best plan in the world doesn’t mean anything if your clients don’t do it. You’ll know exactly how to get your clients on board, coming back, and applying your advice.

🧠 Integration

Integrated mind-body care is the future of our industry— lasting transformation requires a holistic lens.

Develop the practical skills to address not just your client’s body, but their experience. The “hard skills” will only get you so far.

Your Next 12 Weeks…

  • What exactly is it your job to do? What are you responsible for? How do you personally measure success as a Kin? Who do you need to become to be an impactful practitioner?

  • Dynamic human movement and evolutionary biomechanics... through a lens that's clinically relevant and practically applicable.

  • Hone your eye for movement, alignment, and dysfunction. Develop a framework for how to identify and address compensations systemically.

  • Learn to communicate about the root causes of pain and compensation while addressing the underlying dysfunctions.

  • Reading between the lines, knowing how to get the right information from your patient, and creating the trust and safety for that to take place - these are rarely-taught essential skills for Kinesiologists.

    You're never just "treating their knee." We'll teach you to address their injuries in the context of their complex human body, life, and experience.

  • Learn exactly what to look for during physical assessment. We'll be guiding you to develop your own signature assessment that will help you identify dysfunctions and compensations to be addressed by your interventions.

  • It's almost never as simple as a "mechanical issue" when it comes to a human body; we'll teach you both the holistic lifestyle factors that impact a patients' results, as well as the fine balance of conveying that information while 'staying in your own lane' as a Kin.

  • Unpack the psychology behind habit, buy-in, and motivation, while constructing a robust system for supporting and facilitating lasting behaviour change.

  • Dive into the science behind neuroplasticity, the brain's incredible ability to "evolve itself", and how you can leverage this within your own practice and movement interventions to produce incredible lasting results.

  • Join us in person in Vancouver, BC for a 2-day immersive workshop teaching you how to develop and apply hands-on movement interventions.

    *Note: Recording and resources will be available for those who are unable to attend the live event.

  • The average person walking through your door won't understand your technical jargon. Fancy buzzwords don't make you sound more skillful, it just alienates you from the person in front of you.

    Learn how to create connection, trust, and compliance with your words and body language, and your results (and bank account) will never be the same.

  • You can't pour from an empty cup, and you can't take anyone anywhere you haven't been.

    This is about deepening your own practices and embodying your work.

    You'll learn how to set appropriate boundaries, build supportive systems, and create a relationship with your career that you don't want to divorce yourself from.

Being a great practitioner isn’t about just memorizing facts - it’s about becoming someone people want to listen to and be led by.

Make this the year you leveled up your income, impact, and influence.

Ready to sign up?


Meet Your Instructors

Zoe Peterson - Founder & Lead Instructor

I built this program for my past self. For the 22-year-old version of me that, despite ‘doing well in school,’ felt intimidated, overwhelmed, and useless when I arrived in clinical practice as a Kinesiologist. I knew a lot about the body, but very little about how to lead people towards changing their lives. I knew how to teach movement, but I didn’t know how to assess, how to talk about pain, or how to get clients to actually do the damn program when they got home (turns out getting someone to change their life is actually more complex than giving them a pdf and a theraband). I needed a different skill set… but going back to school was off the table for me. I find traditional academic settings exhausting and counterproductive, and I didn’t want to be a physio. I wanted to help people with movement, the way movement had helped me. So I set out to learn what that really takes.

Kinesiology as a profession is flexible and far-reaching. I think Kins have an incredible opportunity to lead people back to their bodies. Back to the only home they’ll ever really know. Our communities need this more now than at any other time in history (meaning: impact, job security, and great $ when you do it well). People are more distracted, disconnected, isolated, and over-stimulated than ever. If you choose to, you can be the one to lead them home. That’s what this is really about for me. Kinesiology is the way that I’ve chosen to play my part in collective healing, and that requires some very specific skills. Those skills are taught and honed in The Employed Kinesiologist.

This is the tenth round of TEK that I’ve taught. This course is a culmination of my last decade of personal training, clinical Kinesiology, competitive powerlifting, somatic therapy, biomechanical nerding-out, and chronic pain rehab. For the last three years, TEK has been helping Kins all across Canada confidently build the skills they need to create real change in their own life and that of their clients.

I’d love to have you join us. If you’d like to connect with me personally before registering, book a free call here.

Anthony Manuele - Wizard of Biomechanics

Anthony had already been a strength and conditioning coach for 8 years (working with modalities like Crossfit, the Ido Portal Method, and Ashtanga Yoga) when a catastrophic training injury left him needing shoulder surgery. Looking for answers to how this happened, and wanting to know the best methods to rehabilitate himself, he set out on a journey to understand the deeper mechanics of the human body.

This search led him to cohost ‘The Art of Move Podcast’ with Dr. William Rajbar, a show interviewing industry thought leaders on the nuances of applied biomechanics, functional fitness, and alternative perspectives on fascia and anatomy. These conversations pointed him in towards studying fascia, human movement mechanics, and alternative methods of training

He now teaches a unique and holistic approach to biomechanically-informed training, posture correction, and sensory integration work informed by his conversations and mentorship with experts in the field of functional training and physiology.